Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 6: Amsterdam, Holland


The weather is better today. Time for tulips! I followed a four hour tour to Keukenhof. It is the largest flower garden in the world! This is a spring garden and it only opens three months every year. So good timing again! It is quite early in spring, and not all the flowers are blooming.

The garden was absolutely amazing. It was very peaceful and serene. I could not ask for more. =)

More pictures of the garden.

The garden gave me the opportunity to showcase my photography skills (if I have any) =p
There were so many beautiful flowers, for those who know me really well, they should know that tulip is my favorite flower. There were so many tulips there, I was in heaven! I took many pictures, but I am not posting all of them here, or else it would be endless... =p

OK, you get the idea of how my favorite flower looks like. More of other flowers.

Besides flowers, there are some weird looking trees as well. Hehe...

OK... Enough about flowers and trees. Time to show food! I had croquette. It was wonderful. After eating one croquette, I was not satisfied and got another croquette! Haha... It is made of mashed potatoes, some peas and shredded chicken. Rolled and fried into this magical, yummy croquette bar. =)

The Keukenhof trip ended and I joined another four hour trip, this time to the Windmill village, Zaanse Schans, then to the fishing village, Volendam and Marken.

Zaanse Schans

Volendam. Fishing village.

My work of art. I call it the solitude chair. =p

At Volendam, I had the most amazing pancake! It was gooey in the inside, but I asure you that the pancake is thoroughly cooked! I had strawberry syrup and powder sugar on top of my pancake. =) Yummy... I really missed the pancake!

Yummy mini pancake.

We also stopped by a cheese farm. We were showed how cheese was made and also we had a tasting session. =) More food! The cheese was good. I bought some home too! =)


Came back to Amsterdam city center and I saw the Scottish Invasion!

The National Monument with Scottish flag around it. Haha...

Holland will be playing Scotland in a football match on Saturday. That is why there were so many Scottish men in skirts around town. Very good eye candy for me. Can see men in skrits with their belly and mou mou leg. Haha... What a sight!
I had a wonderful day today... It was amazing! =)

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