Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 4: Brussels, Belgium


Started the day taking picture of the cathedral that was near my hotel. St. Catherine Cathedral.

St. Catherine Cathedral.

Then walked to another cathedral. Diana said it was beautiful and I should not miss it, so I decided to get there before heading off to Amsterdam.

The Kathedrale.

Indeed it was beautiful. Met another Malaysian there. She helped me take a photo of me and the cathedral. =)

By noon, I was in the Central Station, ready to take the Intercity train to my next stop. Amsterdam!

Random Street.

First things first, checking in at my hotel. Hotel Mozart. Then, Red Light District. I was at first scared to be there alone, but then I realized it was OK. It was only 7pm and there are some 'girls' already ready for work. No pictures allowed, so this is the best that I can do. The name Red Light District came from the red or rose(as they called it) colored lighting to indicate the 'special' shops.

Shops with the red lights are 'special'.

After that, I walked around and stumbled upon Chinatown in Amsterdam! Yippie...

Street name translated into Chinese. =)

Saw their National Monument.

National Monument.

For dinner, I bought KFC! =)

This is my room with my KFC dinner. =)

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