Saturday, November 27, 2010

And just like that, guilt got into me...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's funny how I do things that I wouldn't normally do when I'm away. Maybe because I promised my sis I would tweet regularly just to keep her informed bout my safety. I also noticed that I logged in to Facebook more frequently too! And I've uloaded pictures and commented on other's status'. I find my behavior unfathomable. Perhaps it's just human behavior. :)

Listening to my playlist on my iPod while waiting for my flight; I realized how much I missed travelling alone! As I queue at the security checkpoint, I remembered how this was all so natural for me not too long ago. I'm glad I came here. No regrets. In fact, I'm gonna do this at least once a year! :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tour guide maybe?

It's my last day here in Ho Chi Minh city and I don't wanna go home!!!

I figured if I did not have my current job, I want to be a tour guide! Not necessarily for my country or hometown, but for a foreign country. It's doable coz I just need to read up and do my research before "presenting" to blur tourists. If anything, I can always google the answer! :p

Life is good as a tour guide. I mean half day of bringing tourists around and the other half for my la dolce far niente. :)

In any case, I did my nails today, and managed to smudge it! :(

I hope that when I leave the country I'll leave my worries behind.

Till then HBO movie marathon! :)

Ca Phe

At the Starbucks equivalent called Trung Nguyen and boy their coffee is strong!!! Their way of steeping coffee is so different!

Nice good coffee. :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Road ft. me

Crossing roads here is impossible!!! I'm a coward when it comes to crossing roads but I managed to cross a 4 lane road! I want my mummy!!!

Nothing can stop me now! I'm on top of the world. :)

I'll never do it again though.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

First day in HCMC and I've done so much shopping!!! Food here is so cheap! Beer is even cheper! For RM4 you get a can of bia. Room is awesome. They weren't kidding when they say cable tv. I have a Sony Bravia TV in front of me and all the channels from HBO to Disney channel. I'm watching tv like how I normally do back at home. I'm going for my second round of dinner. Room service. Hehe.

Missing button

A button from my BlackBerry came off quite some time ago. A few days without the button was miserable. But quickly I learnt to live without that button. I somehow learnt to work around that problem. The button was no doubt an important button. It allows me to punctuate. Without the button, I can still insert punctuatuation into my sentences, just that the process is a little longer and inconvenient.

I guess the same theory applies in life. We learn to live with and without certain things or people. And we will always find the solution, the next best thing. Greed is just part of our human nature.

My solution is the iPhone 4. Touch screen hence no button problems. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fight or flight

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel so helpless and out of control?
A situation where you are running short of time and nothing seems to work?

I'm drowning and I'm panicking. As I sink deeper and deeper, I frantically move my limbs trying to reach to that surface. To breathe again. Just one gasp of air.
Any experienced swimmer would advise to stay calm. Even my common sense would advise the same. And I know that would be the right and best thing to do. But yet I did everything else but staying calm.

Now the clock is ticking and I'm running short of time. Can I stay calm and reach that surface? Or am I fated to drown?

As always, when the tough gets going, I pack up and leave. Can leaving the country for a few days leave my sorrow and worries behind?

It's obvious, I've chosen flight over fight. I'm just scared to fight for it, afraid I'll lose it all.


My colleague came to office one day with bread from home. As I watched him eat breakfast, I thought of home and how mummy used to prepare bread for me every morning before I leave for school. It's time like this that I envy those who live with their family. Feels nice to be cared for and taken care of.

Been staying on my own for more than five years now and I must admit I do miss home sometimes.
Will somebody take care of me??? I just need bread every morning. :p

Thursday, November 11, 2010

To hope or let go?

Hope is such a wonderful thing. Somehow or another we are trained to let go. Either through experience or time. So should I say that we grow wiser in time by letting go?

It's most often than not that we give up so easilly without even trying. As we grow older we give up faster and begin to accept things as it is.

But my heart, my heart it never learns. It never learns the heartache and pain. The bitterness and sorrow. Stay strong heart, both you and I will keep this hope alive.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

either way i don't wanna wake up from you

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shouldn't Life Be A Sweet Dream?

This week came and went kinda fast; Wasn't a great week, kinda bad, but not all too bad either. Got scolded by boss twice in a week! Cried on Wednesday night. Recovered on Friday. I guess life is just full of uncertainties. Perhaps it's a game and maybe it's just how we play the game. So, I guess the game never stops and I have to keep up.

Weekend came and it was a much needed one. Sis would have been proud of me now that I don't spend money for reading anymore - I usually buy a cuppa at Coffee Bean just so that I would sit down and read! Can't do it at home because of my short attention span. I usually end up doing something else, most of the time sleeping. =)

Anyways, this week, I've upgraded... Read by the pool, accompanied by a nice bottle of beer. =) Awesome ain't it?

 Cheers to sis!

Cut my finger while opening the bottle. Oh well, being the klutz as usual... I didn't get to read much; A call came in and I talked for an hour! So my reading session, became a beer and chatting session? Hehe...

Anyways, back to another week... I wonder what's installed this round. But before that, some baking then straight to bed!

Till then...
"Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Empty Corner

That corner of the table that you used to be, it's so empty now. There's nothing else that I would place on that corner, nothing worthy enough.

I guess you're in better hands now. Get used to your new home. Hope it will be home sweet home for you for many many years to come. =)

Kinda miss you although it has only been a couple of days... I guess it's just for the better.

Be good and eat well.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Helluva Week

Week started bad... Purple died. =(
Rough week at work. =( I

Thank god the weekend is here! =)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Great Weekend

Thank you for a great weekend, looking forward to many more to come... =)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I just never realized that I can be this sad over a fish.

It felt like a breakup. I guess I just like how Purple is always there for me. Listening to me complain when I'm stressed, watching me cry when I'm upset, watching telly together with me after work?  =)

Purple is dying... Don't know whether I should hope or let go...
It's heartbreaking to watch him like this...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Naughty or Nice?

A little Naughty and Nice...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is Purple Sick?

Purple is very pale lately and has not been eating properly... I'm worried...

Is Purple sick? =(

On a side note...
Day 4 today -> Pass!
Okay, don't fail me now... I have fifteen more days to go!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 1 Over Again

Passed Day 1 again... Wonder if I can make it past Day 2?

It's been an OK day for me today despite waking up at 4:30am for work... Couldn't have asked for more. =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baby Rhino

On a side note, I have a baby rhino from my Kinder egg! Not entirely a baby. Hehe...

Day 2 - Failed

Not entirely successful on Day 2. =(

Tomorrow shall start from Day 1 all over again! Damn...

Monday, September 20, 2010

21 Days

They say it takes 21 days to make a habit or routine. Here's Day 1 for me. 20 more days to go... Join me as I countdown? =)

The Blanket Over My Head

It denies me from fresh air...

Some day that Blanket will be removed and I shall breathe again.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Times Like This...

It's times like this when I feel like sleeping the entire day... I know I would have slept the entire day away a year ago.

But no! I did something productive today...

Coffee+Good book = Not sleeping entire day away... :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nice Day To Be Out

But I'm indoors... =(

Sandwich for lunch. It's taking me forever to finish it!

On a side note, I did IT! Took me some time, mustered some courage, but... Finally...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

It's been awhile since I had the urge to write something... Looked at the unpublished posts earlier and decided to publish them. Some needed pictures, but I guess I shall go without them, just to get them all out. =)

It's been more than a year now. I've graduated, no longer in Evanston, though I still miss the place dearly. I'm back in my Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku, enjoying the FOOD! =)

Been working close to a year now; But I shall refrain from talking bout work. Life has been good to me. There has been some downs, but definitely more ups. =) Well, I guess I'll stop now to avoid this being an emo post.

Just wanna say, I'm back!!! Will post regularly from now on. =)