Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fight or flight

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel so helpless and out of control?
A situation where you are running short of time and nothing seems to work?

I'm drowning and I'm panicking. As I sink deeper and deeper, I frantically move my limbs trying to reach to that surface. To breathe again. Just one gasp of air.
Any experienced swimmer would advise to stay calm. Even my common sense would advise the same. And I know that would be the right and best thing to do. But yet I did everything else but staying calm.

Now the clock is ticking and I'm running short of time. Can I stay calm and reach that surface? Or am I fated to drown?

As always, when the tough gets going, I pack up and leave. Can leaving the country for a few days leave my sorrow and worries behind?

It's obvious, I've chosen flight over fight. I'm just scared to fight for it, afraid I'll lose it all.

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